Green Guides GmbH wins 1st prize in the German Award for Sustainability Projects 2024


The Green Guides GmbH team is delighted to announce that they have won 1st prize in the Service Provider/Consultancy category of the German Award for Sustainability Projects 2024. This prestigious award was presented for the fourth time on Tuesday by the German Institute for Service Quality, the news channel ntv and DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine.

A total of 342 companies and projects were nominated, 70 of which convinced the high-calibre jury. The award recognises the outstanding efforts of Green Guides GmbH to promote sustainable kitchen processes in the catering industry and make a positive contribution to the environment.

"We are overwhelmed and incredibly proud to receive this recognition," says Torsten von Borstel, Managing Director of Green Guides GmbH. "This award is not only a confirmation of our hard work and commitment, but also a sign that sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the catering industry. My special thanks go to my fantastic team, whose passion and commitment drives us forward."

Green Guides GmbH is committed to optimising kitchen processes through sustainable practices. Its focus is on reducing food waste, using artificial intelligence for sales forecasts and balancing food based on health, climate and environmental aspects. These innovative approaches help catering businesses to save resources, protect the environment and work economically at the same time.

"Many thanks to the German Institute for Service Quality, ntv and DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine for organising this important award and recognising our work," continued von Borstel. "We will continue to work together to promote sustainable kitchen processes and make the world a little bit better."

The Green Guides GmbH team would also like to congratulate all the other award winners and thank the organisers for the platform they provide for the topic of sustainability.

Photos: Thomas Ecke / DISQ / ntv / DUP UNTERNEHMER