Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a neurological developmental disorder in children, adolescents and adults that is characterized by attention and concentration problems, impulsivity and physical restlessness - so-called hyperactivity.

MEDICE is the market leader in Europe in the field of ADHD.

In the course of developing our field of expertise, we have gained a broad and deep understanding of ADHD through our commitment to continually optimizing the possibilities of therapy. The basis for this is above all our proximity to doctors, therapists, sufferers and relatives. Personal contact and continuous, intensive exchanges have enabled us to fundamentally understand the disorder in all its facets. We develop solutions and services tailored to the individual needs of our medical partners and patients as part of a multimodal treatment approach that ranges from medication and behavioral therapy interventions to support for parents and educators.

Experts and opinion leaders attest to MEDICE's great empathy for the challenges of treating ADHD. This is where we want to continue. To be able to provide an answer to every question.

Comprehensive service to support multimodal therapy