Nephrology with a System
Now with 30 years of experience in the field of nephrology, MEDICE has earned the status of a recognized nephrology specialist for practices and dialysis centers. Our in-depth understanding and dialogue with local physicians allows us to develop products that meet individual challenges. The focus is on renal anemia (anemia of the blood) and CKD-MBD (disorders of mineral and bone balance), which means that the company covers almost all indications of kidney disease.

MEDICE is the only provider in Germany that offers an anemia specialist, an EPO, and an iron all from one source.

By sponsoring renowned scientific events and congresses, MEDICE supports the continuing education of physicians and specialists with a focus on nephrology.

Because nutrition plays an important role in kidney disease, MEDICE also offers its own continuing education courses for professionals on general phosphate management and nutrition & dialysis. Some courses also focus on the various aspects of renal insufficiency.
Praise for MEDICE
Source: AFS, 2016
In cooperation with some well-known nephrologists, MEDICE publishes the professional journal NEFRO-CME three times a year. This service, also free of charge, provides information on different, current topics in each issue and contributes to the ongoing education of physicians.

A competent field service team of 11 colleagues serves approximately 2,500 practicing nephrologists throughout Germany.