MEDICE brand Stilaxx achieves top ranking in OTC growth rating


In collaboration with market research partners Insight Health and DatamedIQ, the trade journal "Healthcare Marketing" presented the "OTC Growth Champions" in a ranking for the sixth time. This year, the Stilaxx brand was able to take third place among the OTC growth champions.

The focus of this year's analysis was on brands that can demonstrate a percentage increase in sales with their products within two twelve-month periods. The brands considered should have achieved combined sales of more than EUR 500,000 in pharmacies and mail-order pharmacies in Germany in the Moving Annual Total (moving average over the last 12 months MAT 10-2022). The majority of these sales should also come from products that were already listed on the market before both analysis periods, i.e. before November 1, 2020.

In the overall cold field, the Stilaxx brand with distribution at MEDICE in Iserlohn achieved a top ranking. The brand recorded a 284% growth rate with the products included, through a significant increase in sales stationary plus online in the MAT 10-2021 and in the MAT 10-2022 and is therefore ranked first in this category.

Due to the growth in the cold segment, the Stilaxx brand and its products also achieved a high ranking in the overall OTC market. With a growth rate of 280%, which is calculated from the recorded sales in MAT 10-2021 and MAT 10-2022, Stilaxx occupies third place in the ranking.

You can find the detailed article from Healthcare Marketing here: 'OTC-Wachstumschampions' zeigen Kategorie-Erholung (