PCC/ MEDICE with Schaper & Brümmer
We aim to become the most important pillar of the MEDICE Health Family over the next few years. We are specifically expanding our current portfolio to this end and resolutely pushing forward the internationalization of our market development activities.
Quickly integrating the phyto expertise at Schaper & Brümmer into our business area is an important strategic element for establishing and expanding our future markets.
Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Baumann

We want to be a global supplier for Primary & Consumer Care PCC, who, in the next ten years, is among the top 5 suppliers for over-the-counter health products on the German domestic market.
We improve the lives of our patients through diverse and innovative health services.
The PCC field comprises all non-prescription products and medicinal products that are purchased in pharma- cies (OTC) and medicinal products that are prescribed by doctors but are not reimbursed by health insurance companies (OTX). Based on decades of pharmaceutical experience, PCC offers a high-quality portfolio of products and services that patients can use to efficiently treat everyday illnesses and actively help maintain their health. The portfolio should also be specifically expanded with suitable high-growth services and products for basic medical care and prevention.
Our brand development strategy focuses on healthcare professionals (doctors, pharmacists). Sustainable support in their day-to-day work through high-quality training and further training courses and supplementary information for patients take priority here. In the OTC sector, we strengthen pharmacies with comprehensive training and advisory services for the owners and teams as well as specific indication-based and seasonal pharmacy campaigns with integrated media support.
Beyond the existing paths to the patient, we want to optimise access to our products so that our integrated health solutions can be found and are available to every patient at all times in the future.
With a sales share of approx. 85%, the German domestic market currently dominates the PCC sector. The focus therefore lies on establishing our own companies abroad in the coming years. The goal is to achieve a 40% share of international business within the next five years.
Looking to the future with phytocompetence
A key element in the PCC area is the Phytocompetence Centre at Schaper & Brümmer. The expertise in herbal medicine built up over decades is further expanded through partnerships with universities and other companies. The focus here lies above all on developing and producing new herbal products.