MEDICE Health Family is the official supplier of Team Germany 2024 in Paris


With this partnership, the Health Family is emphasising its commitment to sport and the health of athletes for the third time, after MEDICE already supported Team Germany in Tokyo in 2020 and in Beijing in 2022.

Competitive athletes are particularly susceptible to gastrointestinal infections, colds and physical exhaustion due to the high physical strain of training, travelling and competing. Injuries and wounds are also side effects from which top athletes in particular suffer. These factors can significantly limit performance. Effective and well-tolerated preparations are therefore particularly important for athletes.

With its broad product portfolio, the MEDICE Health Family will support Team Germany with a comprehensive selection of medicines and medical products. The partnership includes products for indications that primarily affect athletes. MEDICE supplies the Olympians with medicines for the treatment of colds and gastrointestinal infections as well as products for skin and wound care and a B-vitamin supplement to increase physical and mental performance and energy.

‘Our daily motivation is to improve people's health and lives in as many areas as possible. It is therefore a matter of course for us to provide the Olympians with our best products,’ says Dr Katja Pütter-Ammer, Managing Partner of MEDICE. The MEDICE Health Family does not view health in isolation as a medical treatment task, but has focussed on the interrelated and mutually influencing facets of health such as physical/psychological health, social health and ecological health. MEDICE has a long tradition of targeted involvement in elite and popular sport - just like caring and commitment to people's well-being. Exercise and social interaction are important aspects of this. MEDICE is also firmly convinced that the values conveyed through sport, such as social responsibility, team spirit and fairness, not only contribute extensively to the Health Family's corporate culture, but are also important basic values of social interaction in general and thus the cornerstone of social health.