Member of the German Bundestag Bettina Lugk visits the MEDICE Health Family in Iserlohn

Member of Parliament Bettina Lugk (SPD) visited the MEDICE Health Family in Iserlohn on 28.02.2024.
Iserlohn - During her visit to the company headquarters in Iserlohn, Bettina Lugk was interested in the transformation process of the MEDICE Health Family with the aim of creating innovative solutions to meet the requirements of patients, doctors and pharmacists. Based on its growing pharmaceutical expertise, the Health Family now offers indication-based healthcare solutions. To this end, specialized business units develop tailor-made digital and nutritional medicine modules.
SMEs are a source of innovation and a reliable backbone of the German economy. The discussions and the subsequent tour of the company gave the MP an insight into the pharmaceutical industry with its special challenges, the tradition and the future plans of the company, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. "The pharmaceutical industry is a key industry for the development of Germany as a business location," said Dr. med. oec. Richard Ammer, Managing Partner. It is an outstanding sector of the economy which, in addition to high productivity, also has the ability to survive in global competition.
In addition to the high innovative strength of the MEDICE Health Family, Ms. Lugk was impressed by the company's social, cultural and ecological commitment. During her visit to Iserlohn, the SPD member of parliament was able to see for herself that MEDICE pays more than just lip service to this commitment: "The MEDICE Health Family shows with great dedication how economic efficiency and regional commitment go hand in hand in the Märkisch district," said Ms. Lugk.
Together for a healthier world - that's what the MEDICE Health Family brand stands for. Accordingly, the exchange underlined the company's efforts to combine innovation, sustainability and responsibility in all its business activities.