Social health

With our cultural and social involvement in the region, we are strengthening social cohesion and thus sustainably promoting the social basis for health.

Dr. med. Katja Pütter-Ammer

People need people

Loneliness has a negative impact on health. Studies have shown that a lack of social contact can lead to a weakening of the immune system, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and a range of other serious illnesses.

That is why we are committed to supporting social interaction in our region in different ways, whether it be through cultural highlights, various measures to enrich jobs at our company headquarters in Iserlohn and through targeted involvement in regional top-class and popular sport.

Unique regional cultural promotion

Social projects that promote the coexistence of people in the region are close to our hearts. Maintaining or developing cultural diversity is a key goal of our support in this field. The shareholder family with Olivier Social projects that promote the coexistence of people in the region are close to our hearts. Maintaining or developing cultural diversity is a key goal of our support in this field.

Example of the Bauernkirche Organ Foundation

The start of the "OrgelGlanzLichter" (Organ Highlights) series of concerts created by the Pütter-Ammer family represents the continuation of a passion project by Dr. Sigurd Pütter, whi shaped the MEDICE family company in the second generation. The renovation of the Bauernkirche and the foundation for the newly built Grenzing organ were among the last major projects that Dr. Sigurd Pütter made possible through his comprehensive commitment. The four-manual Grenzing organ (officially unveiled by Olivier Latry on 6 December 2019) offers organists almost limitless playing options.

His daughter, Dr. med. Katja Pütter-Ammer, is continuating the project that was so important to her father and, by sponsoring concerts with global stars from the international organ scene, is creating a musical beacon in Iserlohn. Alongsidethe evening master concerts, students from North Rhine-Westphalia have the opportunity to take lessons with the world-famous artists on the day after the concert. Thanks to funding from the Pütter-Ammer family, the lessons are free of charge for selected students and can be attended by interested listeners at public events.

TONwerk Dortmund

Another musical cultural project is TONwerk in Dortmund – the home of the Chorakademie Dortmund Boys’ Choir. The Boys’ Choir of Chor- akademie Dortmund is among the best boys’ choirs in Germany. Its soloists perform on stages of international renown, such as the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, Hamburg’s Staatsoper and the opera festival in Aix-en-Provence. In December 2017, some of the boys even had the privilege of singing at the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s Christmas celebration, which was broadcast on the TV channel ZDF. Following a veritable odyssey to find suitable rehearsal space for the Chorakademie’s Boys’ Choir, the Pütter-Ammer family decided to buy the Har- kortshof and turn it into a unique rehearsal centre. Friedrich Harkort’s legacy – the former boiler house of the “Chamottefabrik” – has been resurrected to create the TONwerk, the new home for the Boys’ Choir. Children from all walks of life with great musical talent can now be supported on this site.

Parktheater Iserlohn, Heimatverein Dorf Dröschede

Support is also provided to the Parktheater Iserlohn as well as a number of other areas and projects in the city of Iserlohn that are committed to working with children and adolescents within various initiatives (e.g. at Christmas). The Heimatverein Dorf Dröschede e. V. should also be mentioned in the context of social interaction between young and old. Here, children and adolescents are taught about the interrelationships of nature on a specially designed site and shared experiences are promoted by the cooperative construction of insect hotels, for example. Jointly organised and hosted summer parties round off the framework of village life. Our partner association aims to maintain and preserve the local natural environment. Its focus lies on good social interaction and a love of nature.

Social interaction - job enrichment

The health of our employees is particularly important to us, which is why we offer them a wide range of sports and relaxation activities in the company’s own, free gym, MediGym.

From fitness and yoga classes to bicycle tours through the Sauerland region and a relaxing afternoon with singing bowls – exercise, physical and mental health, and social interaction are promoted in a targeted way in the MediCampus employee academy.


To achieve balance and improve the well-being of our employees, we run our company’s own gym, MediGym, at our location in Iserlohn. On a site measuring 400 m2, it offers a wide range of modern cardio and exercise equipment as well as a free weights area with various equipment for all training levels. Our employees can use the facility free of charge every day from 6 am to midnight and, if interested, can follow a customised training plan with our personal trainer, two-time Olympic coach Carlos Esteves.


Our targeted promotion of physical and mental health and social interaction is rounded off by a wide range of joint activities at our MediCampus employee academy. Whether yoga classes, bicycle tours, sailing trips, skiing trips, joint cooking events or courses on healthy, sustainable nutrition – our employees experience everything here that makes health fun.

Targeted involvement in regional top-class and popular sport

We are involved in various areas of sport. Whether in ice hockey, basketball, football, tennis, table tennis or horse riding – we support the valuable work of sports clubs where people can connect with each other and exercise. Whether it be by attending sports events or actively practising club sports. Alongside the physical benefits, recreational sport can also help to reduce stress and boost mental health. Sporting activities can help to release endor- phins, improve your mood and boost self-es- teem. Participation in team sports promotes social contact and strengthens the feeling of connectedness and community. Without this support, the clubs would often be unable to offer their services to the same extent as they do today. In this way, we are directly strengthening social cohesion and sustainably promoting the health of people in our region.

Ohne diese Unterstützung könnte das Angebot der Vereine oft nicht in dem heutigen Umfang bereitgestellt werden. Damit stärken wir direkt den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und fördern nachhaltig die Gesundheit der Menschen in unserer Region.

Iserlohn Roosters

Our partnership with the Iserlohn Roosters offers an ideal opportunity to strengthen interaction among our employees.

Team events that make it possible to attend ice hockey matches together are regularly very popular.

Iserlohn Kangaroos

With the Iserlohn Kangaroos, we are providing targeted support within basketball. The values conveyed by the sport, such as social responsi- bility, team spirit and fairness, contribute extensively to our corporate culture. Within sport for children and adolescents, the MEDICE Cup has been taking place for many years now and has since developed into the MEDICE World Championship.

We are convinced that, by doing this, we are inspiring the children in our region to think beyond borders, to be interested in other countries and to work towards a shared goal within a team. In this way, we may be able to get even more children into basketball and thus contribute towards their health right from childhood.

Bärbel Pütter über das Engagement mit den Iserlohn Kangaroos Kids

With its sponsoring of regional sporting events, the MEDICE Health Family is pursuing its mission. “One of our guiding principles is: ‘Toge- ther for a healthier world.’ What drives us every day is improving the health and lives of people in as many areas as possible,” says Dr. med. Katja Pütter-Ammer.

In the field of football, our partner clubs FC Iserlohn 46/49 e.V. and FC Borussia Dröschede 1911 e.V. are also helping to inspire young people to take up sport at an early age, which will benefit their health throughout their lives. The same is true at the tennis club TC Iserlohn e.V. and the table tennis club TTV Letmathe 54 e.V. The integration of people of different nationali- ties and from different social backgrounds in the clubs is very important to MEDICE: “If it is possible to turn strangers into friends through our support, then it’s worth every euro,” stresses Dr. med. Katja Pütter-Ammer.